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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Temple Trip

I want to praise my Husband here for a minute.

Last Tuesday he asked if I wanted to go to the Temple, and I said "YES!"
So, he watched the girls while I enjoyed the Temple for a brief hour. Nursing always makes Temple attendance a bit of a challenge. Zoe did well, expect that Mom forgot to pack wipes (???) so Dad had to change a poopy diaper somehow without them.

Eliza and Norah loved walking around the temple grounds. Eliza wanted to know when she would get to go in the Temple. It was a perfect experience because she was giving the Scripture on Sunday in Primary which was all about the temple. D&C 124:40 Let this house be built unto my name, that I may reveal mine ordinances there in unto my people.

Norah was really sad to leave the grounds.

I know the feeling.

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